Determining the best CSS based on the user's preferred color scheme using media queries

Is it possible to separate my CSS into two files, one for dark mode and one for light mode, and conditionally load them using only HTML without the need for JavaScript?

I haven't been able to find any examples on Could it be done like this?

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/light.css" type="text/css" media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/dark.css" type="text/css" media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)">

Answer №1

Implementing CSS based on any media query expression may not align with the specified guidelines for the media attribute.

For a list of acceptable values for the media attribute, refer to this resource:

The allowed values for the media attribute are limited to specific ones such as: width, color, orientation, among others. Refer to the tables in the link provided above for more details.

It is considered best practice to load all CSS, including media queries, directly rather than separately. Loading all styles at once during the initial phase allows the browser to have everything in memory and render elements swiftly.
Loading each media query individually would require the browser to determine which CSS file to request from the server when, for example, the user rotates their tablet. This could lead to delays and cause jittery movements on the page, significantly impacting user experience.

Although loading extra kilobytes for media queries CSS might seem like an issue, consolidating all styles into a few files offers benefits:

  1. Reduces the number of TCP connections that need to be established
  2. Enhances efficiency in compression during data transmission
  3. If the styles remain unchanged, they can be cached by the browser and requested only once

Answer №2

It is not possible to achieve that in HTML, but you can accomplish it within the CSS file using either

@media(prefers-color-scheme: light) {}


@media(prefers-color-scheme: dark) {}

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