Determine the vertical distance that a div element is currently visible while scrolling

To better understand this concept, please refer to the following fiddle:

The main goal here is to calculate the visible height of the element with the ID #content-wrapper as the user scrolls. The height of the header (#header) remains constant and fixed, but the footer height varies across different pages, making it impossible to use the current footer height as a standard measurement.

Even when scrolling to the end of the page where the footer occupies most of the area, we still need to determine the visible portion of #content-wrapper. In cases where the footer is not visible, subtracting the header height from the viewport height gives us the visible part of the content.

For example, if the viewport height at the bottom of the page is 600px, with the footer taking up 100px and the header 80px, the visible height of #content-wrapper would be 420px. Conversely, at the top of the page where only the header is present, the visible area of #content-wrapper would be 520px.

In essence, what we aim to achieve is dynamically determining the visible height of #content-wrapper for the user during any given scroll based on the scenario presented in the aforementioned fiddle.

Answer №1

Give it a shot

var $win = $(window);
var $footer = $("#footer");
    var windowHeight = $win.height();
    var footerTop = $footer.offset().top - $win.scrollTop();
    var visibleHeight = Math.min(windowHeight, footerTop) - 80;
    console.log(windowHeight +", " + footerTop + ", " + visibleHeight);

Check out the updated jsfiddle here.

The concept is straightforward.

  1. Determine window's height before the footer appears.
  2. Calculate footer's top position after it becomes visible.
  3. [1] or [2] - subtract header's height to find your solution.

Answer №2

Utilizing this code will determine the visible height on a webpage and organizes the variables for easier calculation:

$(document).on('scroll', function() {
    var cont = $("#content-container");

    //Scroll Position (changes with scrolling)
    var pageTop = $(document).scrollTop();
    //Visible Page Size (constant)
    var pageSize = $(window).height();

    //Header Height (constant)
    var headerHeight = $('#header').height();

    //Content top (constant)
    var contTop = cont.offset().top;
    //Content top position (changes with scrolling)
    var contTopPos = contTop - pageTop;
    //Content bottom (constant)
    var contBottom =  cont.height() + contTop;
    //Content position in relation to screen top (changes with scrolling)
    var contBottomPos = contBottom - pageTop;

        Take the size of screen/page, unless the bottom of the content further up
            and subtract from it
        The header height, unless the top of the content is below the header
    var visibleArea = Math.min(pageSize, contBottomPos) - Math.max( headerHeight, contTopPos);

For an example, visit:

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