Determine the specific table entry that was clicked on

Currently, I am working on developing a dynamic table that includes a button in one of its columns, which triggers a bootstrap modal. I'm a bit unsure on how to determine which button was clicked and how to populate the table accordingly. Admittedly, my experience with markups is limited. Here is what I have managed to put together:

            th Patient Name
            th Phone Number
            th History
        each pat in patients
                td #{}
                td #{}
                if (0<pat.history.length)
                    td #{pat.history[0]}
                    td No history

a.btn(data-toggle="modal", href="#myModal") Launch
        button(type="button", class="close", data-dismiss="modal") x
        h3 Modal Header
        p One fine body...

My goal is to replace the td #{pat.history[0]} section with a unique identifier that, when clicked, will trigger the modal popup and display the corresponding patient data. Any advice on how I can achieve this?

Answer №1

I have come across a solution, but I must admit it feels a bit messy to me. If there is a cleaner alternative, I would appreciate any suggestions:

            each pat,key in patients
                td #{}
                td #{}
                if (0<pat.history.length)
                        span(onclick='console.log(#{key})') #{pat.history[0]}
                    td No history

Using this approach, I am able to link each element from my patients array to the corresponding row that was clicked, allowing me to display the desired content in a modal. However, I am unsure if this is the most appropriate method to achieve this. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

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