Determine the position of a relative element using jQuery and CSS, then adjust the position of the tooltip

I designed a map that displays different locations, and when you hover over each location, a tooltip appears next to the cursor with information about that specific spot.

The map is used as a background image for the main ul element with an id of "map". Each location is represented by a list item (li), and their positions are set using CSS properties like top and left.

The #map is positioned relatively, while the tooltips are positioned absolutely.

Here's a snippet of the HTML markup:

<ul id="map">
<li><a href="#" class="harewood tip_trigger"><img src="images/marker.gif" width="12" height="12" alt="" /> <span class="tip"><img src="images/thumb.jpg" width="143" height="107" alt="" />Title<br />Click marker for details</span></a></li>

While I can easily show and hide the .tip span using jQuery, my challenge lies in determining the position of the parent .tip_trigger element and then adjusting the tooltip to be 10px away from the cursor.

How would you modify the following jQuery code to achieve this?

$(document).ready(function() {

        var pos = $("#map").position();  
        var width = $(".tip").width();

        tip = $(this).find('.tip');; //Display tooltip
        tip.css({"left": (pos.left + width) + "px","top" + "px" });

    }, function() {
        tip.hide(); //Hide tooltip

I've been experimenting with this concept for some time now, referring to the jQuery documentation, but unfortunately, I haven't been able to crack it yet.

Answer №1

It's a good practice to include an additional step using the each method, as suggested by algiecas.

Here is how you can do it:

$(document).ready(function() {
$(".tip_trigger").each(function () {

 // Let's assume the image has the class marker
 var pos = $(this).find('marker').position();  

    tip = $(this).find('.tip');
    var width = tip.width();; //Show tooltip
    tip.css({"left": (pos.left + width) + "px","top" + "px" });

 }, function() {
    tip.hide(); //Hide tooltip


Answer №2

For optimal results, it is recommended to utilize the location of the .tip_trigger element rather than the entire #map

var position = $(this).position(); 

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