Determine the height of an element in JavaScript or jQuery by using the CSS property height: 0;

I'm facing a challenge in determining the actual height of an element, which currently has a CSS height property set to:

height: 0;

When I check the console, it shows a height of 0, but I'm looking to find the real height of the element.

I also attempted using:


as recommended by someone, but the height returned was slightly inaccurate.

The structure of my HTML is quite straightforward:

text 1
text 2

The CSS for this element is as follows:

nav {
    height: 0;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    display: block;

Any insights or suggestions on how I can accurately retrieve the height?

Answer №1

For finding the default height of a block which is currently set to height: 0, you can use the following code snippet:


This code should give you the accurate value unless there is an error in your implementation.

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