Despite implementing the necessary middleware, the CSS file still refuses to load

My CSS files are not loading properly. When I inspect the element (F12) and go to Networks, my CSS file is not visible. I have added the middleware:

app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, '/public')));

and required the path above it.

I have added the middleware, required it, and npm installed it as well.

This is my Folder Structure:













The Header.ejs file contains this code and the body contains some text.

<link href="/stylesheets/main.css">
This is my app.js file:

var express = require('express');
var request = require('request');
var ejs = require('ejs');
var path = require('path');
var app = express();
app.set('view engine', 'ejs');
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, '/public')));

The CSS file changes the color of the background. The index.ejs file calls the header and footer accordingly.

<% include partials/header%>

This is my CSS code:

background-color: purple;
text-align: center;

Although there are no errors shown in the Chrome console, I am still unable to load my CSS properly. Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Answer №1

It appears that the link tag is being utilized incorrectly. To ensure proper loading and parsing of the CSS, you must include the rel and type attributes. Refer to the documentation for the link tag for more information

Answer №2

It appears that there is an issue with the link tag in your code. Make sure to include the rel, type, and href attributes within your link tag.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/stylesheets/main.css" />

Answer №3

The issue lies in your request for a stylesheet file using a URL that will be appended by the browser with the current root path. Here is an example link:

<link rel="stylesheet" href = "/stylesheets/main.css" />

Below is your NodeJS server code snippet.

app.get("/your/root/path", (req, res)=>{


Your href link should be

. It seems like this might be causing the problem. To resolve this, consider setting a <base> URL for static files or avoid having routes that return views in the format /your/root/path, instead use /your-root-path.

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