Design a personalized button with a hand-shaped image using CSS

I am aiming to design a unique custom button that resembles the shape of a hand featured in this image, with the intention of adding some functionality to it later. My attempts so far have involved using an SVG path created in GIMP within a button, but all I end up with is a square button displaying a hand image confined within its borders. Below is the SVG path I've been working with:

<svg xmlns=""
 width="14.7222in" height="10.8889in"
 viewBox="0 0 1060 784"> <path id="Selection"
    fill="none" stroke="black" stroke-width="1"
    d="M 282.00,491.00
       C 288.28,483.27 299.19,460.23 304.21,450.28
         304.21,450.28 331.70,398.00 331.70,398.00

Your input and suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

Give this a shot:

<svg xmlns=""
 width="14.7222in" height="10.8889in"
 viewBox="0 0 1060 784"> 

  <g xmlns="" transform="translate(0.000000,778.000000) scale(0.101500,-0.100000)" fill="#000000" stroke="none">
    <path d="M2580 2905 c0 -20 -3 -18 612 -359 504 -280 580 -316 566 -273 -4 10 -168 105 -488 281 -52 29 -222 123 -377 209 -154 86 -288 157 -297 157 -9 0 -16 -7 -16 -15z"/>
    <path d="M2887 1664 c-102 -18 -207 -54 -311 -105 -106 -52 -246 -155 -246 -181 0 -29 26 -21 84 26 267 217 673 290 1058 191 43 -12 64 -13 71 -6 26 26 -55 55 -223 81 -92 14 -341 11 -433 -6z"/>
  <path id="Selection"
    fill="none" stroke="black" stroke-width="1"
    d="M 282.00,491.00
       C 288.28,483.27 299.19,460.23 304.21,450.28
         304.21,450.28 331.70,398.00 331.70,398.00
         335.20,391.35 343.33,373.62 348.10,369.22
         350.42,367.09 353.94,365.36 357.00,364.61
         368.51,361.78 382.89,373.58 377.17,390.00
         377.17,390.00 364.31,418.00 364.31,418.00
         364.31,418.00 360.69,427.00 360.69,427.00
         360.69,427.00 328.00,501.00 328.00,501.00
         337.42,491.55 344.52,480.85 352.70,470.42
         352.70,470.42 392.12,420.09 392.12,420.09
         392.12,420.09 400.13,410.00 400.13,410.00
         405.89,402.34 411.49,393.06 422.00,392.19
         434.87,391.12 448.35,405.76 437.73,423.00
         437.73,423.00 431.90,431.00 431.90,431.00
         431.90,431.00 418.91,450.00 418.91,450.00
         418.91,450.00 397.02,482.00 397.02,482.00
         397.02,482.00 364.00,530.00 364.00,530.00
         369.40,530.17 370.69,528.14 375.00,525.17
         375.00,525.17 392.00,513.14 392.00,513.14
         392.00,513.14 422.09,491.33 422.09,491.33
         422.09,491.33 444.00,476.02 444.00,476.02
         449.85,471.70 464.07,460.39 470.58,459.50
         485.59,457.42 497.02,474.17 488.30,486.96
         488.30,486.96 458.42,515.12... etc 

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