Delete the placeholder image from a div once live content has been inserted into it

If I have a container div that displays an image when empty, but I want to remove the image when content is dynamically added to the container, what would be the most effective way to do this with jQuery? The usual method of checking if the container's HTML length is less than or equal to 0 and then showing the image doesn't work in this scenario because the content is added dynamically without requiring a refresh. I attempted using a setInterval function to continuously check for changes every 100ms, but it resulted in unexpected outcomes and caused flickering on the page.


If it weren't for the necessity of supporting IE8, I would opt for Josh Burgess' approach as my go-to solution. However, due to this limitation, I will resort to using the .hide() method to conceal the image when the click event for adding content is triggered. Thank you for the assistance!

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