Delete the backgroundImage when the component mounts

My website has a <Login/> page and a <Dashboard/>.

The login page is styled with a background color of #222, while the Dashboard page has a background of whitesmoke

To achieve this, I have set the body CSS like this:

body {
    background-color: #222222;

And in the Dashboard.js:

componentWillMount() { = "whitesmoke";
componentWillUnmount() { = null;

Everything was working fine until I decided to add an image as the background for the Login page, here's how I did it:

body {
    background-color: #222222;
    background: url('../../public/img/bg.png');
    background-repeat: repeat;

However, now my Dashboard also shows the same background image. Even when I tried to remove the image in the Dashboard component:

componentWillMount() { = null; = "whitesmoke";
componentWillUnmount() { = null;

I am facing this issue. How can I resolve it?

Answer №1

How about utilizing classes in this situation?

initializeComponent() {
cleanupComponent() {

In addition, consider abstracting the addClass / removeClass functions and implementing emits.

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