Delete a portion of the text on the button

Is there a way in HTML/JS/JQuery or CSS to search for a specific button in the document and remove/hide only the text of the button without affecting the icon?

@Html.ActionLink("Edit", "Edit", new { id = -1 }, new { @class = "btn-edit" }) |

Answer №1

The anchor tag that has been rendered includes the classes .glyphicon.glyphicon-pencil. You have the option to utilize either .text('') or .html('') to assign empty text to it:


Answer №2

If you are in need of a straightforward method to manipulate the DOM, you can try the following:

document.getElementById("my_button").value = "";

Alternatively, you could use jQuery like this:


Another option is to utilize a class selector as demonstrated by Milind Anantwar:

$('.btn-edit').val(''); // This should still be functional, although using "text" or "HTML" might also work

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