"Defining a CSS class specifically for styling the span element nested within an

The HTML structure I am working with is as follows:

    <a href="#">
        <span class = "class-for-span"> SOME TEXT HERE </span>

Along with the following CSS:

p a{
    color: grey;
    text-decoration: underline;

.class-for-span {
    color: red;
    text-decorations: none;

.class-for-span:hover {

I am aiming to achieve the following effect:

Every link within a paragraph should appear as a grey underlined link. If there is a span element inside the anchor tag, it should be red with no decoration, and turn red and underlined when hovered over.

As of now, the links display as grey and underlined. If a span is present within an anchor tag, it appears as a red link with a grey underline, and turns red with a red underline upon hovering.

Is it possible to resolve this issue using only CSS? I have attempted the following solution without success:

p a span .class-for-span {
text-decoration: none;

However, this approach has not produced the desired outcome...

Answer №1

p a span .class-for-span {
    text-decoration: none;

This code will not work as intended because of the space between span and .class-for-span. This implies that the style is being applied to "the element with class class-for-span within the span". In CSS, you cannot override a parent element's property. To address this issue, set text-decoration:none; on the a tag and apply it only to the span:

p a { text-decoration:none; }
p a span.class-for-span { text-decoration:none; }
p a:hover span.class-for-span { text-decoration:underline; }

With this solution, the underline will appear when hovering over the anchor, but not necessarily when hovering over the span itself. Therefore, the underline would still be visible on the span even if there were other elements such as an image inside the anchor tag:

<a href="..."><span>Text</span><img src="..." alt="" /></a>

...and hovered over the image.

Answer №2

When you remove the underline from the span element, it's actually the a element that is being underlined. So in order to fix this issue, you should modify your original block of code as shown below:

p a {
color: grey;
text-decoration: underline;

Once you make this adjustment, everything should start working correctly.

Answer №3

p a:link, p a:hover, p a:active, p a:visited {
  /* Styling for any 'a' tag within a 'p' tag */
  border-bottom: 2px dotted #CCCCCC;

This styling will be applied to the following:

<p><a href="#">Hello</a><br>
<a href="#">Hello again</a></p>

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