Define the iframe height as "100% minus X pixels"

Is there a way to trim the bottom area of an external iframe that I want to embed on my website? The iframe contains links that cannot be edited, leading to pages with different sizes.

My aim is to achieve something similar to

<iframe height:100%-20px />
(even though this syntax doesn't exist). Is it possible to hide a certain number of pixels from the bottom of an iframe?

Answer №1

Check out the calc() function available in CSS.

This functionality is supported from Internet Explorer version 10 and above (although it may not work perfectly in IE9).

An example of using this function would be:

  height: calc(100% - 20px);

If the initial height was set to 100%, it would actually render as 80px (Please forgive any inaccuracies, math isn't my forte).

To further explore the capabilities of calc(), visit this link: Applications of Calc()

For additional information, refer to: CanIUse

Answer №2

What do you think about trying this solution?

    .container {

    <div class="container">
        <iframe width="300" height="300"></iframe>

If this doesn't work, do you happen to have a link that I can check out?

You may want to experiment with the CSS styles for both the container div and iframe by adding borders or other effects to achieve the desired look.

Answer №3

Check out this interactive demonstration inspired by BeatAlex's solution:

Interactive Demo:

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