Deciphering the Sequence of Applying CSS Classes in Vue.js

Seeking assistance in understanding how to control the ordering of a component's root element CSS class and any CSS class bound from the parent calling the component.

View this fiddle for illustration:

If a component has a class on its root element and that class is a string, Vue's class binding places the class at the beginning of the resulting bound class list. This logic follows as the component sets the base CSS class and users can customize styles by adding classes to the HTML element. Vue then binds/joins these classes together.

In cases where a dynamic CSS class (not a static string) is used, Vue positions the component's root element class at the end of the bound class list.

I am developing a component for wider use, aiming to set my component class on the root element with the option for others to override styles by simply adding their class to the component tag.

The root element class needs to be dynamic, requiring the utilization of an array or object for class binding.

Why does Vue place the component's root CSS class at the beginning for static classes and at the end for dynamic classes? While it may seem peculiar, there could be intentional reasons behind it that are not clear at first glance.

Regardless, how can I ensure that my component's root element class always appears first in the resulting bound class list when it needs to be a dynamic class?

        Vue.directive('bound-class', (el) => {
          const boundClass = el.attributes.class.nodeValue
          const boundClassPrintout = document.createElement('div')
          boundClassPrintout.innerHTML = 'Resulting Bound Class: ' + boundClass

        // STATIC CSS CLASS -> becomes 1st class in the bound class list (expected)
        Vue.component('string-test', {
          template: `<div class="string-class" v-bound-class><slot></slot></div>`

        // DYNAMIC CSS CLASS -> becomes last class in the bound class list (unexpected)
        Vue.component('array-test', {
          template: `<div :class="['array-class']" v-bound-class><slot></slot></div>`

        // DYNAMIC CSS CLASS -> becomes last class in bound class list (unexpected)
        Vue.component('object-test', {
          template: `<div :class="{ 'object-class': true }" v-bound-class><slot></slot></div>`

        new Vue({
          el: "#app",
          computed: {
            vueVersion() {
              return Vue.version

        body {
          background: #20262E;
          padding: 20px;

        #app {
          background: #fff;
          border-radius: 4px;
          padding: 20px;

        h2 {
          margin-bottom: 0.75rem;

        <link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
        <script src=""></script>

        <div id="app">
          <h2>Vue version: {{ vueVersion }}</h2>
          <string-test class="p-2 mb-2 border">Root class (string-class) at beginning (expected)</string-test>
          <array-test class="p-2 mb-2 border">Root class (array-class) at end (unexpected)</array-test>
          <object-test class="p-2 mb-2 border">Root class (object-class) at end (unexpected)</object-test>

Answer №1

It seems that Vue may not have a specific reason for inserting static classes first; it could be just following the order of input parameters in the renderClass function.

The sequence of rule sets in CSS files is important, unlike the order of class names in the class attribute of elements. This order has nothing to do with the cascade concept, which involves child elements inheriting styles from their parents. It's possible you might have confused this with the order of declarations within a block or an inline style, where order does matter:

<p class="red blue">
    In the class attribute above, the order doesn't affect the outcome.
    If there are conflicting class styles, the one defined last will take precedence.

<p class="blue red">
    Despite the change in class order, this paragraph will look the same as the previous one.

<p style="color: red; color: blue">
    The order matters here. The text color will be blue.

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