Deactivate interactive functions on the mat-slider while preserving the CSS styling

I'm attempting to create a mat-slider with a thumb label that remains visible at all times.

Below is my mat-slider component:


To ensure the Thumb Label stays on screen, I've applied the following CSS properties:

::ng-deep .mat-slider-thumb-label {
  transform: rotate(45deg) !important;
  border-radius: 50% 50% 0 !important;

::ng-deep .mat-slider-thumb {
  transform: scale(0) !important;

::ng-deep .mat-slider-thumb-label-text {
  opacity: 1 !important;


However, when I disable interaction with the mat-slider by setting disabled=true, the styles disappear along with the thumb label, leaving an empty space in the bar.

This is what I want to achieve while keeping interactions disabled:

You can view a demo here.

Answer №1

To achieve this effect, you can prevent pointer events on the control. I have made some adjustments to the CSS and disabled pointer-events as well.

Customized CSS

::ng-deep .mat-slider-thumb-label {
   transform: rotate(45deg) !important;
   background-color: #ffd740 !important;  <-- ensure color remains unchanged
   border-radius: 50% 50% 0 !important;

Inline style added

style="pointer-events: none;"

Link to StackBlitz demo :

Answer №2

Disabling it won't yield the desired outcome. A better approach would be to modify the disabled class styling, although this may not be the most efficient solution.

My suggestion is to simply disable pointer-events instead.

For example:

.example-margin {
  pointer-events: none;

By doing this, you can prevent pointer interactions and effectively resolve your use case.

Answer №3

Here is a handy solution for Angular 8 that eliminates the need to use ::ng-deep (as mentioned in Note below)

To make it work, simply define the following properties in your mat-slider:

  • class:"cdk-focused"
  • style:"pointer-events:none"

Below is a snippet of the HTML code sample:

            <mat-slider class="cdk-focused" style="pointer-events:none;" min="0" max="100" thumbLabel="true"
                disabled="false" [value]="item.percent" [displayWith]="formatPercentage">

Note: ng-deep is deprecated

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