Customizing Images using a JSON array of images

Looking to implement a feature that displays images fetched from a CMS via a JSON file.

The JSON data structure is as follows:

 "images": [
  {"title": "Image One", "url": "image1.jpg"},
  {"title": "Image Two", "url": "image2.jpg"},
  {"title": "Image Three", "url": "image3.jpg"},
  {"title": "Image Four", "url": "image4.jpg"},
  {"title": "Image Five", "url": "image5.jpg"}

The corresponding HTML snippet is:

<ul id="mylist"></ul>

The number of images varies and can be 3, 4, or 5. The layout specifications are as follows:

  • If there are three images, each image should take up 33% of the width
  • If there are four images, they should be displayed in two rows, with each image occupying 50% of the width
  • If there are five images, the top row should contain three images with each taking up 33%, while the second row should have the remaining two images distributed equally with 33% width each

Seeking assistance on achieving this using JavaScript, jQuery, Mustache, or similar technologies. Any help would be appreciated!

Answer №1

If you find yourself dealing with an even number of images, opt for two columns. But if the number is odd, three columns would work better.

Calculating the number of rows is straightforward once the number of columns is determined; simply divide and round up to get the result.

var numb = obj.images.length;

var cols = numb % 2 === 0 ? 2 : 3;
var rows = Math.ceil(numb / cols);


To adjust this setup to widths instead, follow these steps:

var numb = obj.images.length;

var width = numb % 2 === 0 ? '50%' : '33%';

$('.images').css('width', width)

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