Customizing hover color with tailwind CSS

How can I change the color of an icon on mouseover using Tailwind CSS?

I have tried to go from this

to this , but it's not working.

.btn {
@apply  agt-h-10 agt-w-10 agt-bg-zinc-100 agt-rounded-full agt-flex agt-justify-center

   @apply agt-w-full  hover:agt-fill-black

Note: I am utilizing Tailwind CSS and 'agt,' which is an in-house library.

Answer №1

Make sure to assign a class to the main div containing the icon. Additionally, modify the color of the svg when it is being hovered over in your css file. Here's how you can achieve this:

.modifyColor:hover svg>path {
    fill: "#00f"

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