I have set up a Bootstrap 4 navbar with a <div class="container">
enclosing the navigation links, ensuring that the navigation is perfectly positioned just like the content on my page (which is also within a container).
Now, I am looking to include a search input outside of the container, aligned to the right side (visible only on XL screens and hidden otherwise).
While I understand how to align elements inside the container, adding another <ul class="navbar-nav">
outside of the container seems to disrupt everything. I'm unsure how to achieve this while keeping a container in the navbar.
It appears that the issue lies with the fact that the container
has an auto margin, and inserting a form-inline
directly after the container interferes with the margins, even when utilizing float-right
For reference, you can view the bootply at: https://www.bootply.com/T9Ks167fW7