Customize URL based on selected button

My question may be a bit unclear, but I want to generate dynamic URLs that redirect users to specific pages based on the link clicked. For example:

  1. Parent page with links (a, b, c, x, y)
  2. User clicks on 'b'
  3. User is taken to a Node Page that plays a video and then automatically redirects to Page 'b' (using JS to simulate click)

Is there a way for the Node Page to detect which link was clicked on the parent page and direct the user accordingly? See Image below -

I have already implemented a script on the Node Page that automatically progresses to the next page after 15.5 seconds:

    $("document").ready(function() {
        setTimeout(function() {

I would like to know if the Node Page can determine the next destination based on the link clicked on the parent page.

This HTML package will be used on an e-detailing platform running on iOS for iPad, supporting HTML, CSS & JS/jQuery.

Thank you in advance!

Answer №1

Give this a try!

<a class="special-link" data-url="x.html">X</a>
<a class="special-link" data-url="y.html">Y</a>

var link = "";

//Function to start video

//Function triggered when video finishes
function videoFinished()



Answer №2

You can easily achieve this by implementing a JavaScript switch statement (check here) and passing the case value through the URL clicked by the user (find more info here).

Create the switch statement within the node page, which will then redirect you to the desired destination page using JavaScript.

Answer №3

One way to accomplish this is by utilizing global variables and assigning values to them.

var currentURL = window.location.href;

Next, on the node page, you can compare the value of the currentURL variable and navigate accordingly. Alternatively, you can also utilize document.referrer to retrieve the previous URL and perform the necessary checks based on it.

var prevURL = document.referrer;

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