Customize the appearance and text in the navigation bar

Currently, I am in the process of creating my own personal website template. However, I have encountered an issue with styling the image and text within the navbar.

  1. I am looking to adjust the aspect ratio of the image in order to center it within the navbar. This way, regardless of the height of the navbar, the image will always appear consistent.

  2. Another goal is to vertically center the text.

  3. Lastly, I would like to change "CONTACT" to "Contact".

It's important to note that I am not utilizing Bootstrap or any other frameworks for this project.

Answer №1

Make sure to explore the flex box property, as it can be extremely beneficial. Check out this informative link for more details on flexbox, and take a look at this example to see how you can create your desired layout using flexbox.

Answer №2

1.- The concept of 'fixing the ratio' may seem confusing, but in reality, the ratio is already set and can be adjusted by changing the percentage values of the height and width.

2.- To center all elements within your navbar, including the image, simply add the following lines to the navbar css:

display: flex;
align-items: center;

This will ensure vertical alignment of all elements in the navbar.

3.- You can experiment with different text transformations for the last link in your navbar, such as:

.navbar li:last-child a {
    text-transform: lowercase;

Alternatively, you can use text-transform: capitalize if you prefer the first letter to be capitalized.

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