Customize Swiper js: How to adjust the Gap Size Between Slides using rem, em, or %?

Is there a way to adjust the spacing between slides in Swiper js using relative units such as 2rem?

The entire page is designed with relative units. All measurements are set in rem, which adjusts based on the viewport size for optimal adaptability.

For instance:

* {
   padding: 0;
   margin: 0;
   box-sizing: border-box;
   outline: none;
   font-size: calc(100vw / 1440 * 8);

.swiper-slide {
   max-width: 33.33%
   align-items: center;
   justify-content: center;
   background-color: green;
   font-size: 4rem; (equivalent to 32px)
   padding: 2rem; (equivalent to 16px)

However, I encountered an issue with the space between the slides...

The documentation specifies that for spaceBetween: string | number, only a string value can be assigned via JavaScript. Setting a right margin using CSS does not work and the documentation advises against it.

I tried adjusting both the margin and removing it using nth-child for the first and last slide - but this did not yield the expected results. The gap property on the wrapper also did not work.

Even attempting to reassign it in JavaScript through a variable did not produce the desired outcome.

I am seeking assistance. Here is the sandbox - The objective is to maintain a consistent distance of 2rem between slides

Any ideas... whether it's gap/margin/padding/ rem in JS or variables... all suggestions are welcome.

Answer №1

Unfortunately, the spaceBetween property is only in pixels and cannot be set in rem.

One workaround could be to define a global constant in your JavaScript file that represents how many pixels one rem is equivalent to, then use that constant as a modifier in your code.

For example:

const rem = 16; // 1rem equals 16px

// continue with your code

spaceBetween: rem * 2,

// add more code

Check out the modified pen here:

For more information, refer to the swiper documentation on spaceBetween:

An updated version of the pen that dynamically updates the value on window resize can be found here:

Answer №2

illustration one can assign margin: 0 1.2rem to the slide components and set margin: 0 -2.4rem for the swiper-wrapper element this configuration will ensure proper functioning

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