Currently, I am experiencing difficulties with two specific aspects of the website I am working on - the hamburger menu and the slideshow feature

I'm having trouble with the menu on my website. It's not functioning as expected - the dropdown feature isn't working, and two items are not staying in the correct position under the parent ul despite attempts to position them using CSS. Additionally, the background slideshow is not behaving as desired; the images flash quickly instead of displaying for a set duration or showing only one image at a time. Here is the CSS and HTML code:

View the code here

<div id="myslidemenu" class="jqueryslidemenu"> <br style="clear: right" />    </div>
</nav> <nav class="t3-navbar-collapse navbar-collapse collapse in">
<ul class="nav navbar-nav level0"> </ul> </li> 
<li class="dropdown">    
<a href="/index.php/features" data-toggle="dropdown" data-target="#">
<img src="" alt="Home" style="width:20px;height:20px;top:100px;"> 
<b class="caret"></b></a>

<ul class="level1 dropdown-menu">
<a href="/index.php/features/scheduling-routing">Womens </a>

<li display:display:block; float: left;>
<a href="/index.php/features/billing-invoicing">Kids</a>

<a href="/index.php/features/mobile-workforce">Mens</a>



My goal is to create a vertical menu with a hamburger icon that opens up when clicked, similar to this structure:

                                                 Icon          Shopping Cart
                                                  Item 1
                                                   Sub Item 1-1
                                                   Sub Item 1-2
                                                  Item 2
                                                  Item 3
                                                  Item 4

In addition, I want the background slideshow to function properly behind the menu.

Answer №1

Upon reviewing your code, I have some suggestions for using an editor like JSFiddle.
Avoid including meta tags in the HTML section - they are not necessary.
Instead of posting links to CSS and JS files, place them in the external resources section.
Place all script tags in the JavaScript section.
In JS Fiddle, there is no need to invoke the $(function() function as the DOM is automatically ready.
When sharing code on Stack Overflow, remember to close your tags properly. The <ul> tag was left open.
Make these adjustments in JS Fiddle and we may be able to assist you with solving your issue.

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