CSS - Utilize floating divs to dynamically populate empty spaces

I am currently working on creating a grid layout on my website, .

Despite using multiple divs (images) with the float: left; property, I am noticing empty spaces and gaps that are not being filled by the floating divs.

Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide.

UPDATE: I have now implemented jQuery isotope, but gaps still persist. Any suggestions?

Answer №1

When elements float, they create gaps as they move to a new line. This is just how floating works in web design. The space above is not filled by default.

If you're looking to create an uneven grid effect, consider using a JavaScript solution that allows you to set absolute positions. One popular option is the masonry plugin, which can help achieve the desired layout. Check out the before/after example on the homepage to see how it can address the issue you're experiencing.

Answer №2

If you're trying to figure out how to fill all the squares on your page, it's not as simple as just using CSS. The 'float: left;' property will only fill the space image by image without considering the overall layout.

Arranging all the pieces to fit together like a jigsaw puzzle will pose a challenge. This is a complex issue that is related to the knapsack problem (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knapsack_problem) and the packing problem (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Packing_problem).

To tackle this, there are likely jQuery, JavaScript, or PHP libraries available to assist. Alternatively, you could manually arrange the photos in a way that they fit neatly together.

Best of luck!

Answer №3

The issue is the spaces it is creating:

section.blogpost {
    padding: 0 0 20px 20px;

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