css transform: translate transition showing unexpected behavior

Check out this sandbox where I've recreated the classic sliding puzzle game.

In my component called GameBlock, I'm using a mix of css properties like transform: translate(x,y) and transition: transform to create animations for the sliding game pieces:

const StyledGameBlock = styled.div<{
  index: number;
  isNextToSpace: boolean;
  backgroundColor: string;
  position: absolute;
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: center;
  width: ${BLOCK_SIZE}px;
  height: ${BLOCK_SIZE}px;
  background-color: ${({ backgroundColor }) => backgroundColor};
  ${({ isNextToSpace }) => isNextToSpace && "cursor: pointer"};

  ${({ index }) => css`
    transform: translate(
      ${getX(index) * BLOCK_SIZE}px,
      ${getY(index) * BLOCK_SIZE}px

  transition: transform 400ms;

Essentially, I calculate the block's current index on the board to determine its x and y values which in turn affect the transform: translate property when it's being moved.

Although this approach smoothly transitions the block when moving it upwards, to the right, and to the left, there seems to be an issue with the smoothness of the transition when sliding the block from top to bottom.

Any thoughts on what might be causing this particular problem?

Answer №1

React Components and Key Prop Usage

The current issue stems from the mount/unmount process of <GameBlock /> components in React.
Although a key prop is being passed to the component, React is uncertain if it's rendering the same element.

If I were to pinpoint the cause of React's uncertainty, it would likely be attributed to:

  • Altering the array sort using:
 const previousSpace = gameBlocks[spaceIndex];
     gameBlocks[spaceIndex] = gameBlocks[index];
     gameBlocks[index] = previousSpace;
  • Generating different virtual DOM outcomes based on the condition used for isSpace:
 ({ correctIndex, currentIndex, isSpace, isNextToSpace }) => isSpace ? null : ( <GameBlock             ....    

In most cases, remounting isn't a concern for applications as it occurs quickly. However, when incorporating animations, avoid remounts to prevent interference with CSS transitions.
To ensure React recognizes the same node without requiring a remount, maintain consistency in the virtual DOM between renders by preserving identical keys. Achieving this involves straightforward list rendering without complex alterations, ensuring consistent key passages across renders.

Passing 'isSpace' Down

Instead of modifying rendered DOM nodes, prioritize retaining an equal count of nodes in list rendering with matching keys in the same sequence.

Simply pass down 'isSpace' and apply styling like display:none; to achieve this goal.


const StyledGameBlock = styled.div<{ ....}>`
  display: ${({isSpace})=> isSpace? 'none':'flex'};

Maintaining Array Sort Consistency

React detects modifications to the gameBlocks array due to keys being rearranged, triggering unmount/remount cycles of rendered <GameBlock/> components. To affirm that React views the array as unaltered, solely modify item properties within the list without changing the sorting order itself.

In your scenario, preserve all properties unchanged, only updating the currentIndex for blocks subject to movement or swapping.

 const onMove = useCallback(
    (index) => {
      const newSpaceIndex = gameBlocks[index].currentIndex; // space adopts clicked block's index.
      const movedBlockNewIndex = gameBlocks[spaceIndex].currentIndex; // clicked block assumes space's index.

        spaceIndex: spaceIndex, // space maintains constant position in array.
        gameBlocks: gameBlocks.map((block) => {
          const isMovingBlock = index === block.correctIndex; // identifies clicked block
          const isSpaceBlock =
            gameBlocks[spaceIndex].currentIndex === block.currentIndex;  // identifies space block 
          let newCurrentIndex = block.currentIndex; // most blocks remain stationary
          if (isMovingBlock) {
            newCurrentIndex = movedBlockNewIndex; // moving block swaps with space
          if (isSpaceBlock) {
            newCurrentIndex = newSpaceIndex; // space swaps with moving block
          return {
            currentIndex: newCurrentIndex,
            isNextToSpace: getIsNextToSpace(newCurrentIndex, newSpaceIndex)
    [gameBlocks, spaceIndex]

// Ensure onMove is called with index of clicked block
() => onMove(correctIndex) 

Changes are limited to altering the currentIndex for clicked block and space.

Code Sandbox Examples:

Access sandbox example inspired by the provided sandbox link.

Closing Remarks: Your code readability and comprehension are commendable. Well done!

Answer №2

In addition to the fantastic response and clarifications from @Lars, I wanted to provide visual evidence that specific <GameBlock /> elements are indeed being unmounted or changed in sequence, which is causing a disruption in the CSS animation.

If you take a look, when focusing on one of the blocks and scrolling down, you can see the element shifting its position in the DOM.


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