`CSS Stylesheet language notification`

I manage my collection of ebooks using Calibre (http://calibre-ebook.com/). This software allows me to edit epub & azw3 formats as CSS & HTML documents.

Upon running the Debugger, I am presented with a list of Errors & Warnings: (I've omitted most of the CSS file)

@namespace h "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";
.calibre2 {
  height: 422;  <!-- ERROR: CSS: Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" 
                            property: 422 [91:5: height]    [stylesheet.css] -->
  width: 601;   <!-- ERROR: CSS: Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" 
                            property: 601 [92:5: width]    [stylesheet.css] -->
.western {
  color: #000;
  direction: ltr;
  display: block;
  font-family: "Times New Roman", serif;
  font-size: 1em;
  margin-bottom: 0;
  margin-left: 0;
  margin-right: 0;
  margin-top: 0;
  orphans: 2;
  so-language: en-GB;   <!-- WARNING: CSS: Property: Unknown Property name. 
                                      [109:5: so-language]    [stylesheet.css] -->
  text-align: center;
  widows: 2;

The Height & Width errors are something I have not delved into much yet, assuming they could be linked to my reading device (Samsung Note).

Regarding the so-language error, I experimented with changing it to lang: en; and :lang en;, but both resulted in errors. I attempted to research "so-language" online, thinking it might have been replaced or deprecated, but found very limited information available on it.

Answer №1

According to the CSS 2.1 guide on width:

Value:   <length> | <percentage> | auto | inherit

<length> Specifies the width of the content area using a specific length unit.

Additionally, the definition of a length value (represented by <length> in this document) is described as a <number> (with or without a decimal point) immediately followed by a unit identifier (e.g., px, em, etc.). The unit identifier becomes optional after a zero-length measurement.

To clarify, omitting the unit is only acceptable when the length is equal to zero.

Upon conducting tests in various web browsers, it was observed that they automatically correct an improper width value by assuming pixels. While appending a px suffix may fix the issue, it's advisable to locate class="calibre2" in the codebase and determine its intended purpose to avoid any potential disruptions.

In regards to the mention of so-language, comprehensive information on this attribute seems lacking aside from scattered examples found in e-books, suggesting it may be an Amazon-specific feature. Calibre likely employs a standard third-party CSS validation tool which may not recognize non-W3C compliant elements. Consequently, disregarding the warning associated with so-language is likely justified.

Answer №2

The primary function of language tagging in CSS serves a specific purpose.

.western:lang(en-GB) { ... }

If an html-element contains a lang attribute, it will be styled accordingly.

For instance:

<span lang="en-GB">English</span>

As @Vall3y mentioned, attributes such as Position and dimension require specified units, such as px, %, or em.

It's challenging to provide a comprehensive answer without a clear question stated in your post.

Answer №3

The errors related to height and width that you have pointed out are actually part of a calibre class applied to an image tag in your epub or azw3 source. Typically, an image tag will have the following structure:

 <img src="foo.gif" height="422" width="601"> 

It's worth noting that you don't need to add a "pixels" suffix like px for the height and width values in an image tag because they are considered pixels by default. However, in your ebook, it seems to be rendered as:

 <img src="foo.gif" class="calibre2"> 

This is combined with the following CSS:

.calibre2 {
 height: "422";
 width: "601"

resulting in a parsing error from the CSS parser. When height and width properties are assigned to CSS classes in this manner, it can cause parsing issues in calibre. While this may not affect eReaders, you can resolve the error by moving the height and width properties back into the html files in the epub/azw3 format. Alternatively, you can eliminate the error messages by modifying the CSS class as follows:

.calibre2 {
  height: 422px;
  width: 601px;

Adding px to specify the unit for the height and width in the image tag, although not mandatory, is harmless. Regarding the so-language property, you can simply replace it with blank text using calibre's editor. Despite being ignored by eReaders, it should not pose any issues.

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