CSS styles are missing in ASP.Net MVC4 while debugging in Visual Studio 2012

While troubleshooting my website, I noticed that the CSS is not displaying. I am encountering an Error 500 on the Site.css file when inspecting it in Firefox.

My _Layout.cshtml is configured to utilize the CSS files.


I have confirmed that the Site.css file is in the correct directory and I can open it using Notepad.

I have reviewed the BundleConfig.cs and identified where it is bundled with other files.

bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/Content/css").Include("~/Content/site.css"));
bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/Content/themes/base/css").Include(

What's particularly strange is that this setup works on IIS7.5, however, the background image does not load, resulting in error 500. The IIS_Users group has the necessary permissions to access these files.

Another issue is that images are not displaying on the site. In the CSS, the background is defined as

background: url("../Images/heroAccent.png") no-repeat;

The Images directory is located in the same directory as Views/Models/Controllers.

Answer №1

When utilizing MVC bundling features in CSS, errors may arise due to absolute image paths. There are two potential solutions to resolve this issue:

  1. Disabling bundling by setting EnableOptimization=false
  2. Adjusting the image paths to be relative to the root path

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