CSS - Maximizing the effectiveness of position:absolute by optimizing for specific screen sizes

With a body width of 800px:

body {
margin:15px auto;}

A <div> area (100x200px) is intended to be positioned in the TOP RIGHT corner of the body, regardless of screen size or browser. The code attempted is as follows:


The current result places the div in the TOP RIGHT corner of the SCREEN instead of the specified location - aligned with the right border of the BODY. Seeking an alternative solution without using "position:relative".

Answer №1

Modify your body to the following.

    width: 800px;
    margin: 15px auto;
    position: relative;

Ensure that your div is contained within the body and styled similarly to this.

    position: absolute;
    top: 30px;
    right: 0px;

This adjustment is necessary as absolute positioning is always in relation to the closest positioned ancestor element.

Answer №2

Instead of setting the body width to 800px, it's better to keep it as auto width and wrap it in a container div. The container div should have a width of 800px and a position:relative style. This way, the absolutely positioned elements will be relative to the container div.

Check out this example:


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