CSS-Inlined equivalent for an empty td cell

Is there an alternative inline CSS solution for the following CSS selector:

table td:empty {
  visibility: hidden;

What should be used instead of this?

<table style="???">
    <td></td> <!-- content will be added later -->

Answer №1

It is important to understand that you cannot define selectors within an inline style attribute. This attribute only accepts style declarations that will be applied to the specific element it belongs to, despite any inheritance rules. For further details on this topic, refer to my response in this post.

In the case of needing to hide empty cells within a table, there is actually a CSS property called empty-cells specifically designed for this situation:

<table style="empty-cells: hide">
    <td></td> <!-- Placeholder -->

Although the specification states that this property applies to table cells rather than tables themselves, it can still be set at the table level and inherited by all empty cells within that table.

Answer №2

In my opinion, the content within the style tag represents the styling code rather than the selector itself. The elements should naturally select themselves. When incorporating inline styling code in your HTML, it is assumed that you are aware of its placement.

If not, utilizing a CSS stylesheet and selectors would be more appropriate.

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