CrossBrowser - Obtain CSS color information

I'm attempting to retrieve the background color of an element:

var bgcolor = $('.myclass').first().css('background-color')

and then convert it to hex

function rgbhex(color) {
    return "#" + $.map(color.match(/\b(\d+)\b/g), function (digit) {
               return ('0' + parseInt(digit).toString(16)).slice(-2);

However, I'm encountering issues - in FireFox, "transparent" is returned for bgcolor, resulting in a failure with the rgbhex() function and throwing the error:

TypeError: elems is null

On the other hand, Chrome returns rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) for bgcolor where rgbhex() functions correctly.

Is there a way to get the CSS color in a cross-browser compatible format and successfully convert it to hex?

Answer №1

Dealing with scenarios where the color is not set to an rgba value can present challenges.

Browsers may not always handle these situations consistently, so assuming an rgba value every time might make the code fragile. Even if you use getComputedStyle(), which is more reliable in modern browsers compared to css() (which reads the value directly), it's important to consider handling edge cases.

A better approach could be:

if ('transparent' === bgcolor) {
  hex = '#000';
} else {
  // work magic here

Furthermore, there may be instances in different contexts where browsers behave inconsistently. In those cases, using a switch statement with a default of black or white could provide a more robust solution.

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