Creating Sleek Rounded Corners with Pure CSS in Older Versions of Internet Explorer (Compatible with jQuery)

Looking for a seamless solution to render rounded corners on browsers that do not support CSS3 without the delay typically seen with JQuery plugins.

The use of .htc files with seems like the best option so far, but there is still a delay concern. The owner mentioned that using scripts with JQuery could potentially reduce this delay.

Ideally, the solution should support gradients, border-radius, and box-shadow. While css3pie covers most of these requirements, it has issues with box-shadow when the background is transparent.

While I understand that some features may not be compatible with IE6, I am willing to accept that limitation. Hopefully, IE9 will address these issues in the future.

For now, I will continue using despite the delay and lack of box-shadow support in IE. Hopefully, improvements are on the way.

Answer №1

A one-of-a-kind CSS library that provides solutions for IE6/7/8 such as:

  • Rounded Corners (Border Radius)
  • Shadow Effects (Box Shadow)
  • Custom Borders (Border Image)
  • Colorful Gradients (Gradient Backgrounds)

Extremely useful for web developers.

Answer №2

If you absolutely feel the need to cater to rounded corners for IE6, perhaps take a look at the Curved Corner solution.

You could include the behavior:url( in a conditional IE6 CSS file.

Alternatively, it may be best to simply disregard curved corners for IE6 entirely.

Answer №3

It's not worth stressing over minor details like rounded corners or shadows in IE. The days of expecting every browser to display a page exactly the same way are long gone. As a developer, your main focus should be on ensuring the basic structure of the page is correct, while leaving the visual flourishes to the browsers themselves. If a browser doesn't support certain CSS3 elements, it's ultimately the user's issue for using an outdated browser.

For example, as an Opera user, I may not see the fancy gradients on buttons that Firefox users do when visiting YouTube. However, I still get to enjoy a well-designed webpage overall!

In summary, don't get caught up in the nitty-gritty details specific to each browser. Focus on providing a solid foundation for your page and let the browsers handle the rest. If a cross-browser solution requires excessive code, consider whether it's truly necessary:

box-shadow: 0 0 5px #333;
-moz-box-shadow: 0 0 5px #333;
-webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 5px #333;

Answer №4

Implement the jQuery rounded corner plugin

Ensure the plugin is triggered in all possible events to confirm its functionality

   $(this).corner(); //This command will activate the function upon loading this line
   $(document).ready(function() { $(this).corner(); }); //optional
   $(window).load(function() { $(this).corner(); });//optional

Answer №5

If you're looking for more information on this topic, check out the following related question:

Adding rounded borders using CSS

For a different perspective with JQuery solutions, consider exploring:

Answer №6

For those seeking a solution with seamless round corners that are compatible across all browsers, consider utilizing the user-friendly JavaScript library known as CurvyCorners.

All you need to do is include the JS file in your project.

Then simply apply the "rounded" class within your HTML wherever you desire rounded corners.

Visit for more instructions

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