Creating linear overlays in Tailwind CSS can be achieved by utilizing the `bg-gradient

Is there a way to add a linear background like this using Tailwind CSS without configuring it in tailwind.config.js? The image will be fetched from the backend, so I need the linear effect on the image from bottom to top with a soft background. Here are examples of the results I am looking for and the color scheme from the Figma design:

Answer №1

To create a layered effect above your image background, you can include a div element like this:

  className="h-40 w-40 rounded bg-no-repeat bg-center bg-cover"
  style={{ background: `url(${'your-url'})` }}
  <div className="w-full h-full bg-gradient-to-b from-white">
    <span>Alpha Salcedo</span>

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