Creating identical class names for UL elements underneath LI using JavaScript

In my attempt to dynamically generate the class name within the ul element, I successfully achieved the expected result. The outcome can be viewed in the console of the snippet provided for reference.

However, I'm facing a challenge when attempting to create the same class name for the ul elements generated under a li element. For instance, if there is a li element with the class name "a", and multiple ul elements are created under the same li element, the class names of the ul should remain consistent. Instead, the classes are being numbered sequentially.

The desired outcome is as follows:

<li class="a">
    <a href="/">First</a>
    <ul class="main-nav-list">
        <li class="b">
            <a href="/">Type of menu</a>
            <ul class="main-nav-list ul-1">
                <li class="c"><a href="/">Summer</a></li>
        <li class="b">
            <a href="/">Type of menu</a>
            <ul class="main-nav-list ul-1">
                <li class="c"><a href="/">Summer</a></li>

I have made an attempt to achieve this dynamic class generation:

var ul = document.querySelectorAll(".main-nav ul");

ul.forEach((each, i) => {
    each.classList.add("ul-" + i);
<nav class="main-nav">
  <ul class="main-nav-list">
    <li class="a">
      <a href="/">First</a>
      <ul class="main-nav-list"> 
        <li class="b">
          <a href="/">Type of menu</a>

          <ul class="main-nav-list">
            <li class="c"><a href="/">Summer</a></li>

        <li class="b">
          <a href="/">Type of menu</a>

          <ul class="main-nav-list">
            <li class="c"><a href="/">Summer</a></li>



If the first ul has the class ul-0, then subsequent ul elements should also have ul-0 as their respective classes. Any assistance on this matter would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

To apply a specific class to each ul element within every li, you need to iterate through all the li elements and then target their respective child ul elements to add the desired classes.

// Selecting all li elements under the main ul on the page
var lis = document.querySelectorAll(".main-nav>ul>li");

lis.forEach((each) => {

    // Selecting all ul elements inside each li
    let innerUls = each.querySelectorAll(`:scope>ul`);

    // Adding a custom class to each ul element
    innerUls.forEach((itm, index) => {
      itm.classList.add("ul-" + index);
<nav class="main-nav">
  <ul class="main-nav-list">
    <li class="a">
      <a href="/">First</a>

      <ul class="main-nav-list"> 
        <li class="b">
          <a href="/">Type of menu</a>
          <ul class="main-nav-list">// In my case, if the class is ul-1 then next li ul is generating as ul-2 but I want it to be consistent for both li components
            <li class="c"><a href="/">Summer</a></li>

        <li class="b">
          <a href="/">Type of menu</a>

          <ul class="main-nav-list">
            <li class="c"><a href="/">Summer</a></li>

    <li class="a">
      <a href="/">Second</a>
      <ul class="main-nav-list"> 
        <li class="b">
          <a href="/">Type of menu</a>

          <ul class="main-nav-list">// In my case, if the class is ul-1 then next li ul is generating as ul-2 but I want it to be consistent for both li components
            <li class="c"><a href="/">Summer</a></li>

        <li class="b">
          <a href="/">Type of menu</a>

          <ul class="main-nav-list">
            <li class="c"><a href="/">Summer</a></li>



To recursively add classes to ul elements:

let classNames = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'];
function addClassToUls(ul, level) {
  var lis = ul.querySelectorAll(':scope>li');
  lis.forEach((each) => {

    // selecting all uls inside each li
    let innerUls = each.querySelectorAll(`:scope>ul`)

    // adding class name to each ul
    innerUls.forEach((itm, index) => {
      addClassToUls(itm, level+1);

let mainUls = document.querySelectorAll(".main-nav>ul");

mainUls.forEach(ul => addClassToUls(ul, 1))
<nav class="main-nav">

  <ul class="main-nav-list">
    <li class="a">
      <a href="/">First</a>

      <ul class="main-nav-list">
        <li class="b">
          <a href="/">Type of menu</a>

          <ul class="main-nav-list">// In my case, if the class is ul-1 then next li ul is generating as ul-2 but I want it to be consistent for both li components
            <li class="c"><a href="/">Summer</a></li>

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