Creating custom themes in React Native using dynamically loaded JSON data

Is it possible in React Native to override custom styles with dynamically fetched font-size and background color values from a server's JSON data? I am looking to incorporate this JSON data theme into my style themes. Can you provide the syntax for creating dynamic themes that accept JSON data such as font size or color?

Answer №1

Customizing the style of a component is always possible, let's say you have a component:

const MyComponent = ({size, color}) => <Text style={{color: color, fontSize:size}}>Hello</Text>;

In your parent component, you can fetch your theme data from the server side like this:

const themeJson = retrieveTheme()  // fetching data from API

If you have color and size in your retrieved JSON data, you can pass them to MyComponent like this:

<MyComponent color={themeJson.color} fontSize={themeJson.size} />

This will adjust the text size and color based on the theme JSON data.

In React Native, styling works differently compared to React. You need to use StyleSheet to create styles instead of a simple JSON object. If you want to customize styles dynamically while rendering, you can combine styles in an array like so:

const styles= StyleSheet.create({
     color: "red",
     fontSize: 15

const MyComponent = ({size, color}) => 
<Text style={[styles.existStyle, {color: color, fontSize: size}] style={{color: color, fontSize:size}}>Hello</Text>;

This approach will override the predefined style at the top. Hopefully, this explanation helps clarify things for you!

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