Creating an intelligent autocomplete feature in JavaScript that recognizes the . character as a wildcard for matching any character

I found this code and would like to enhance its functionality. For instance, when I search for ".an.d", I want the code to display all words that have an "a" at the second position, "n" at the third position, any character at the fourth position, and "d" at the fifth position. How can I tweak the code to achieve this result? Thank you in advance.

Answer №1

If you want to tackle this using regExp, it's important to remember the importance of escaping characters to ensure accurate results.

For example, searching for $5 with the expectation of finding something that includes $5 may not yield the desired outcome.

One approach is to first split by ., preserving the character for regex purposes. Then, for each split, utilize an escape method like -> Escape string for use in Javascript regex before rejoining the .

Here's an illustration:

function escapeRegExp(string) {
    return string.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&'); // $& means the whole matched string

function isMatch(value, search) {
  return new RegExp(

console.log(isMatch('Ban d','.an.d'));
console.log(isMatch('Cost $5', '.....$5'));

console.log(isMatch('xBan d','.an.d'));

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