Creating an animated sidebar that moves at a different speed than the rest of the

I have a layout with a large sidebar and small content, where the "Fixed part" refers to sticky positioning.

I'm attempting to achieve this using scrollTop, but the sidebar is causing some issues like this:

The code should only be executed when the height of the main content is less than the sidebar content height.

This is the code from my latest attempt:

function sidebarParallax(expertStatisticsHeight) {
        var sidebar = $('');
        var main = $('');
        var footer = $('footer');
        var c = 1;

            position: 'absolute',
            right: 0,
            width: $(document).width() - main.width(),

        if ((expertStatisticsHeight + $banner.height()) > main.height()) {
            var speed = c - (main.height() / sidebar.height());

            sidebar.css('transform', 'translateY(' + -speed + 'px)');
        } else {

How can I ensure that when I scroll to the bottom, the bottom of the sidebar aligns with the bottom of the content?

Thank you in advance!

Answer №1

Finally cracked the code!

let sidePanel = $('');
let mainContent = $('');
let banners = $('.section-banner');
let bannerCount = banners.length;
let isMainSmallerThanSidePanel = initialize();



$(window).scroll(function() {
    if (isMainSmallerThanSidePanel) {
        return moveSidePanel();

function checkDimensions() {
    isMainSmallerThanSidePanel = initialize();

function moveSidePanel() {
    let scrolled = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop;
    let scrollDifference = mainDistance - scrolled;
    let percentage = scrollDifference / mainDistance;
    sidePanel.css('top', -distance + (distance * percentage));

function initialize() {
        position: 'absolute',
        right: 0,
        width: $(document).width() - mainContent.width()

    let isMainShorter = sidePanel.height() > mainContent.height();

    if (isMainShorter) {
        distance = sidePanel.height() - mainContent.height();
        mainDistance = $('').height() - document.documentElement.clientHeight;
    } else {

    return isMainShorter;

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