Creating a Website Optimized for Mobile Devices

As a beginner web developer, I am in the process of creating a mobile-friendly website system. Currently, I am utilizing Bootstrap for responsiveness, PHP5, MySQL, and occasionally Ajax/JQuery.

Recently, I came across JQuery Mobile. While I have been using regular JQuery/Ajax to load content without refreshing the entire page, I wonder if there are any considerations I should keep in mind when building such a system. Am I on the right track with the tools I am currently using, or is there something missing?

Moreover, I am curious about whether normal JQuery will function properly on mobile devices. For example, will the code snippet below work as intended for changing content on a page:


$('ul#nav li a').click(function() {
    var page = $(this).attr('href');
    $('#content'(.load('content/' + + '.php');

Answer №1

It appears that you are headed in the right direction.

One thing to note is that there seems to be a missing file name in your jQuery snippet, but that doesn't directly impact your question about the code.


$('ul#nav li a').click(function() {
    var page = $(this).attr('href');
    $('#content'(.load('content/' + someJavascriptVarShouldGoHere + '.php');

In short, the behavior will remain consistent across different devices when it comes to using JavaScript and CSS on mobile browsers like Safari, Chrome, or other popular choices. Testing your site on actual mobile devices is ideal for accurate results, although tools like Chrome's mobile emulation can provide some insight.

jQuery Mobile focuses more on touch functionality rather than just responsiveness, which may not align with your current needs.

Some things to consider:

  • Utilizing CSS media queries

  • Choosing between Responsive Design and Targeting specific viewport sizes to adjust layout based on device screen size.

  • Adopting a mobile-first design approach by prioritizing essential content and adding additional features as screen space allows.

There are plenty of resources available on Bootstrap and its documentation that can assist in your development process.

Regarding content and structure, combining Angular and Bootstrap has been effective in my experience. The Angular-UI Bootstrap module provides seamless integration. Additionally, utilizing PHP for a RESTful data access layer, along with frameworks like [Slim] and [PIP], can streamline server-side processing and data management.

Answer №2

When developing for mobile, utilizing a browser emulator can be beneficial. jQuery is compatible with nearly all mobile devices, so feel free to use it. Additionally, exploring a PHP framework could greatly enhance your development process.

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