Creating a universal property class for all components in a VueJS project: step-by-step guide

In my VueJS project, I am utilizing Vuetify and have noticed that several components display text in uppercase. To override this, I need to add the class="text-none" property to each component individually. Is there a way to apply this attribute globally to all components or specific ones?

Here are some examples of using the class property:

<v-tab class="text-none" key="meetingsListTab">Meetings</v-tab>

<v-btn @click="onClickBack" text class="text-none grey--text">
<span class="material-icons"> arrow_back </span> Back

color="red lighten-1"
class="text-none mr-4">
Delete Meeting

Answer №1

To ensure communication between components, I would trigger a global event and have all relevant components listen for it.

// Function to handle button click
function deleteHandler() {
  this.$root.$emit('meeting-id', {action: 'delete'})

// Inside your-component
  props: {
    meetingId: {
      type: String,
      default: 'meeting-id'
  data: {
    noText: ''
  mounted() {
    this.$root.$on(this.meetingId, (payload) => {
      if(payload.action === 'delete') this.setNoTextClass

Incorporate the component in your HTML

  :class="[noText, 'grey--text']" 

Additional resources:

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