Creating a universal function to handle setTimeout and setInterval globally, inclusive of clearTimeout and clearInterval for all functions

Is it possible to create a universal setTimeout and setInterval function with corresponding clearTimeout and clearInterval for all functions while passing values to them?

The situation is as follows:

1. More than 8 functions utilizing setInterval for actions like fadeIn/fadeOut/toggleClass, etc.

2. More than 4 functions using setTimeout for actions like fadeIn/fadeOut/toggleClass, etc.

3. Only one function (setInterval/setTimeout) should be active at a time, switching to another once the current cycle finishes.

4. How can specific function values be passed/sent to these functions?

For example:

function one() { ... }
function two() { ... }
function three() { ... }
function four() { ... }
function five() { ... }

ctimeout = setTimeout(function(){ ... }, time);
sinterval = setInterval(function(){ ... }, time);


So, how do we assign functions to setInterval or setTimeout while ensuring only one runs at a time?

Answer №1


for(var x=0;x<=length.array_functions;x++){
function pause(callback_remove){
  sinterval = setInterval(func[x],timer);

function callback_remove(parameter){

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