Creating a tooltip that doesn't rely on any child elements

I've been experimenting with creating a tooltip that appears when hovering over an <a> tag and displays a <div> from another location

For example:

blah blah <a class="tooltiphover">hover me</a> blah blah

<div class="tooltip">
<!-- tooltip info code goes here -->

However, all the tutorials and resources I have come across focus on using child elements which can clutter the code or require the use of extra <div> tags that may disrupt the visual appearance of the site

Another common approach is exemplified by:

<div class="tooltiphover">Hover me</div>
    <span class="tooltip">Tooltip stuff</span>

This becomes problematic especially when dealing with CSS selectors like .tooltiphover:hover .tooltip.

Is there a way in CSS to style both elements simultaneously without one being a child of the other? Using a comma or plus sign doesn't seem to achieve the desired effect.

Thank you for your help.

EDIT: To simplify, how can I make the div display in front of everything and beside the <a> tag like a proper tooltip? I might resort to using JavaScript for handling the mouseover event. It seems easier than struggling with CSS and HTML due to the confusing array of tooltip tutorials available online 😅

What would be the appropriate CSS code for achieving this?

Answer â„–1

There are numerous methods to achieve this without specifically needing a <div> tag. CSS offers a variety of selectors with distinct behavior rules. In general, CSS cascades and interacts in a forward manner, making it challenging to affect elements that come before in the document hierarchy (e.g., a child dictating behavior to its parent is uncommon.)

The most commonly used selectors for this task are either the element element selector or the element > element selector. These selectors require the target element to be a child of the parent element.

Here is an example:

div:hover > h2{

<div>hover me
<h2>i am revealed</h2>

<p>don't hover me</p>

However, as previously mentioned, these selectors create a tightly coupled relationship between the selected element and its parent. This is where the element ~ element selector becomes useful.

div:hover ~ h2{

<div>hover me</div>

<p>don't hover me</p>

<h2>i am revealed</h2>

While element > element necessitates a vertical relationship between the parent and child, element ~ element calls for a horizontal sibling relationship. Essentially, all elements meeting your selection criteria will be revealed as long as they are siblings within the same context.

But what if your desired target is not a direct sibling but a child of a sibling?

div:hover ~ h2{

<div>hover me</div>

<p>don't hover me</p>

  <h2>i am revealed</h2>

In this case, the previous approach fails because the elements are no longer direct siblings within the same context. There are various solutions to address this issue, both broad and specific, but one straightforward method is as follows:

div:hover ~ * h2{

<div>hover me</div>

<p>don't hover me</p>

  <h2>i am revealed</h2>

By combining the element ~ element selector with the * element selector, we can target any h2 element that is a child of any sibling to our original selector using the :hover pseudo-class.

If I understand correctly, and you wish for both the hover-triggering element and its target to change when hovered over, you simply need to define their respective styles separately.

div:hover ~ * h2{

  color: red;

<div>hover me and I turn red</div>

<p>don't hover me</p>

  <h2>i am revealed and not red</h2>

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