Creating a smooth jQuery animation when concealing three columns and enlarging one to occupy the entire row

When my page loads, it displays 4 wrapper divs with the 'col-md-3' class each. However, when an expand button is clicked, 3 of the wrappers become hidden and the clicked one changes to 'col-md-12':

// Expand current wrapper to col-md-12, hide others
    $(".wrapper").each(function (index) {
        if ($(this).attr("id") === wrapper.attr("id")) {
        } else {

Is there a simple and fast way to add animation to this process without using the jQuery UI library in my project? I would like to have a slide left to right motion.

So far, the only solution I've found is:


However, I would prefer to animate the addition of the "col-md-12" class rather than hiding the other wrappers.

Answer №1

My favorite movement is sliding from left to right.

When using JQuery, you have the ability to add animation effects to elements by:

    right: '-50%'         //specify distance to move
}, 400);                 //set duration of movement in milliseconds

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