Creating a responsive website using Tailwind and React

I have created a blog and I want to ensure it is responsive. My aim is to have a dropdown menu on the right side for mobile devices, featuring options for new profile and logout. On desktop mode, I prefer to have the about, new, and profile options in the middle with only the logout button on the right.

Here is the code I have been working on so far. I used 'lg:' to make it responsive for larger than desktop screens.

If there are any grammatical or spelling errors, I apologize in advance as English is not my first language.

``import React from 'react'; import { Link } from 'react-router-dom'; import { useUserContext } from './UserProvider';`

function Navbar() {

const { user, setUser } = useUserContext()

function logout() { localStorage.removeItem('user') setUser(null)


return ( Tech-Blog

  <div className=" NavLinks  bg-pink-100 flex flex-col absolute top-10 right-0 p-4 lg:flex-row  ">
    <div className="Links
    flex flex-col
     lg:flex-row lg:absolute lg:left-1/2 lg:top-1/2 lg:transform md:-translate-x-1/2 lg:-translate-y-1/2  text-2xl lg:justify-between lg:w-60   " >
      <div className='hover:cursor-pointer '>About</div>
      <div className='hover:cursor-pointer '>Profile</div>
      <Link to="/new">New</Link>
    <div className='buttons flex md:flex-row md:absolute lg:right-8 lg:top-1 lg:gap-6  '>

      {/* check if someone is logged in, if yes then show a logout button */}
      {user === null ?
        <> <Link to="/login" ><button className='bg-blue-400 px-4 rounded-md py-2 text-white'>SignIn</button></Link>
          <Link to="/register" ><button className='bg-blue-400 px-4 rounded-md py-2 text-white'> Register</button></Link> </> :
        <button className='bg-blue-400 px-4 rounded-md py-2 text-white font-mono' onClick={logout}>Log out </button>}




) }

export default Navbar `

I tried making some changes in Tailwind using 'lg:' and other adjustments

Answer №1

In order to create a responsive design, it is essential to leverage the Tailwind CSS properties such as "sm:", "md:", "lg:", and "xl:". These allow you to customize styles for various viewport sizes. For detailed instructions, refer to the documentation on responsiveness provided by Tailwind.

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