Creating a rating system with half-star increments in JavaScript for a five-star scale

Trying to figure out how to create a JavaScript function that can adjust the star rating of an element based on a score using jQuery's addClass and removeClass. I previously had a function for displaying whole stars, but now I am struggling with implementing a system for half-star ratings. Here is my previous code:

function() {

Does anyone have any advice on how to modify this function for a half-star system? Below is the current code I am working with:

function populateStars(stars, score) {
    // The "stars" parameter refers to the container <ul> with individual <li> elements for each star.
    // This function should dynamically update the star display based on the given score (ranging from 1 to 5).

Here is an example of the HTML structure that "stars" variable points to:

<ul class="big-stars">
    <li class="star-1 full">1</li>
    <li class="star-2 full">2</li>
    <li class="star-3 half">3</li>
    <li class="star-4">4</li>
    <li class="star-5">5</li>

And here is the CSS responsible for styling the stars as full, empty, or half-full:

.big-stars li {
    text-indent: -9999px;
    width: 49px;
    height: 46px;
    background: url('../images/big_star_empty.png');
.big-stars .full {
    background: url('../images/big_star_full.png'); 
.big-stars .half {
    background: url('../images/big_star_half.png'); 

Answer №1

function displayStars (stars, rating) {
    var wholeStars = Math.floor(rating);
    var hasHalfStar = (wholeStars < rating);

    for (var starNum = 1; starNum <= wholeStars; starNum++) {
        $('' + starNum, stars).addClass('full');

    if (hasHalfStar) {
        $('.star-' + starNum, stars).addClass('half');

displayStars($('.big-stars'), 3.5)

This code can be simplified by moving variable declarations closer to their usage.

Edit: Check out this JSFiddle demo :)
Edit 2: Updated JSFiddle link with rounding to the nearest half number:

Answer №2

Consider this alternative approach, utilizing jQuery's lt and eq selectors:

function fillStars (stars, rating)
   //round to the nearest half
   rating = Math.round(rating * 2) / 2;

   var ratingParts = rating.toString().split('.');
   $(stars + ' li:lt('+ ratingParts[0]+')').addClass('full');

       $(stars + ' li:eq('+ ratingParts[0] +')').addClass('half');

fillStars('.big-stars', 3.5);

Ensure you provide the parent class as input rather than the specific object when calling the function, offering an intriguing option for customization.

Update: check out this revised fiddle with rounding included: jsFiddle, credits to Joe for the original version!

In addition, I discovered the rounding technique in a compelling related inquiry - Transforming a number into star rating display.

Answer №3

If you're in need of a solution, here's what I have devised. It might benefit someone (using fontawesome to represent the stars, though styled elements can be used as well):

function determineStarRating(rating){

    // Round down to calculate full stars:
    var fullStars = Math.floor(rating);
    // Check if the whole number is less than the rating.
    // If it is less than the rating, then a half star is required:
    var halfStars = (fullStars < rating);

    var result = "";
    //Iterate through five stars:
    for(let i=1; i<=5; i++){
      //For stars less than or equal to total stars, show a solid star:
      if(i <= fullStars){
        result+= "</i><i class='fas fa-star' style='color:#fbcc05'></i>";

      //If iteration is after a full star and a half star is necessary, display a half star:
      } else if( i == fullStars+1 && halfStars == true ){
        result+= "<i class='fas fa-star-half-alt' style='color:#fbcc05'></i>";

      //Otherwise, show a gray empty star:
      } else {
        result+= "<i class='far fa-star' style='color:#bfbfbf'></i>";
    return result;

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