Creating a javascript function to update content on click

Recently, I've been designing a webpage and encountered an issue. I want the text in a specific area to change whenever a user clicks on a link. Below is the code snippet related to the section I want to modify using a JavaScript function.

<div id="banner_left">

   <h2 id="tagmain">This section contains a title that needs to be updated</h2>
   <p id="tagtext">The main body of text that should change dynamically upon clicking a link.</p>
   <div class="cleaner_h20"></div>
   <div class="button_01"><a href="#">More</a></div>


The following code relates to the link:

<div class="banner_button">
   <a id="support" href="#" onclick="javascript:changeText(args)>Support</a>

And here's the script for the function:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
  function changeText(idElement) {
     document.getElementById.('tagmain').innerHTML ='New title to display';
     document.getElementById.('tagtext').innerHTML ='New text to display.';}
    return false;

I plan to add more conditions to the function to refine its behavior. However, being more familiar with Java than Javascript, I seem to have made an error. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. My goal is to update the content within the site's body instead of navigating to a new page when a user selects the CSS "button"/link for support. Currently, the function doesn't seem to respond at all. Thank you in advance. Here's hoping it's just a simple fix :)

Answer №1

Avoid using a period after getElementById

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
 function changeText(idElement) {
        document.getElementById('tagmain').innerHTML ='New title to display';
        document.getElementById('tagtext').innerHTML ='New text to display.'; // corrected syntax
        return false;

Modify in HTML code

<div class="banner_button">
   <a id="support" href="#" onclick="javascript:changeText(1); return false;">Support</a>

Alternatively, you may utilize jQuery for html manipulation

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
 function changeText(idElement) {
        $('#tagmain').html('New title to display');
        $('#tagtext').html('New text to display.');
        return false;

Answer №2

<a id="help" href="#" onclick="javascript:modifyText(content)">Help</a>

... and it appears that a quotation mark is absent, I presume.

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