Creating a full-height layout in Bootstrap with a sticky footer

Encountering a minor issue with Bootstrap as I attempt to cover the entire height of the browser window when the content is insufficient. Utilizing Bootstrap within Orchard CMS, in case that impacts the situation.

The problem is illustrated in the image below

The page layout is quite simple:

<body style="background-color: #b0a2b0;">
<div id="layout-wrapper" style="margin: 0px auto -75px; padding: 0px 0px 75px;">
    <div class="container">
        .... stuff ...
    <div class="container">
        ... other stuff
<div id="footer" style="height: 75px;">
    <div class="container">

html, body, and the #layout-wrapper all have a height set to 100%. My initial solution was to include an additional container and resize it accordingly. However, this presents challenges when the window resizes or there are elements on the page showing or hiding, affecting the available height.

Although I attempted setting the filler div's height to 100%, I noticed that it surpasses the footer, extending beyond the page length and causing the footer to move upwards while scrolling down.

The desired outcome is to have a footer fixed at the bottom and the page at full height even amidst resizing or element visibility changes.

Any suggestions?

Answer №1

Big thanks to all who helped guide me in the right search direction! A gem of an answer was discovered on Stack Overflow: Achieving 100% height with CSS padding and margin

The key solution I applied to my vertical filler involved this CSS snippet:

.verticalFiller {
    z-index: -9999;

Implementing this code transformed the filler into a full-height div situated behind all the containers, revealing the necessary white space.

Answer №2

To create a purely CSS solution: set the position of the footer to absolute, with the top value at 100% and the margin equal to the negative height. This will ensure that the footer is displayed exactly height above the bottom of the page. It can also be helpful to reduce the body size.

body {

.footer {

Check out the demo here


Just thought about the fact that the footer should adjust its position if the page length is not full. In my own website, I ensured that the background color remained consistent so the footer didn't look odd. Otherwise, a JavaScript solution may be more suitable for handling such scenarios.

Answer №3

To resolve the issue, we implemented a solution using JavaScript. In our website layout, we have incorporated a small piece of JS code that conducts a check when the document is loaded and is also tied to on-screen resize events.

Essentially, we have a container for displaying content. We compare the user's screen height with


If this size is smaller than the total height of content + footer + header; then we adjust the container's height accordingly: container.height = screen.height - (footer.height + header.height)

To make the transition smoother, we added an animation effect.

Here is the code snippet in JS:

  var footer = $('.footer').height();
  var header = $('.navbar').outerHeight() + parseInt($('.navbar').css('margin-bottom'));
  var screenHeight = $(window).height();
  if ( ! ( screenHeight < ( (container.outerHeight() + parseInt(container.css('margin-bottom')) ) + footer + header) ) ) {
    // Resize container if needed
    // container.height( screenHeight - (header + footer ) );
    var height = screenHeight - (header + footer );
    container.animate({height: height }, 500);

This approach has been working well for us so far.

Remember to invoke this function on DOM-Ready and window resize events.

We hope this explanation helps!

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