Creating a dynamic text design using Bootstrap or CSS: What's the best approach?

I attempted to enable responsive font sizes in Bootstrap 4.3.1 by setting the $enable-responsive-font-sizes variable to true, but I did not see any changes.

Below is the code from my template.html file:

    <div class="m-2" id="role">
  <em class="fas fa-user-tie fa-fw mr-2"></em
  ><span class="font-weight-bold">Role: </span>{{ member?.role }}
<div class="m-2" id="email">
  <em class="fas fa-at fa-fw mr-2"></em
  ><span class="font-weight-bold">Email: </span>{{ member?.email }}
<div class="m-2" id="username">
  <em class="fas fa-file-signature fa-fw mr-2"></em
  ><span class="font-weight-bold">Username: </span>{{ member?.username }}
<div class="m-2" id="last-update">
  <em class="fas fa-clock fa-fw mr-2"></em
  ><span class="font-weight-bold">Last update: </span
  >{{ member?.lastUpdate | date: "short" }}
<div class="m-2" id="comments">
  <em class="fas fa-comments fa-fw mr-2"></em
  ><span class="font-weight-bold">Comments: </span> {{ member?.surcomments }}


Here is a snippet of my scss file:

    $enable-responsive-font-sizes: true;

@import "../../../../../assets/bootstrap-4.3.1/dist/css/bootstrap.css";

This is how it looks in the desktop version:

However, in the mobile version, the text does not appear to be responsive as expected:

Answer №1

To resolve the issue, simply include word-wrap: anywhere; in your div CSS.

Here is a snippet to illustrate:

<div class="m-2" style="word-wrap: anywhere;" id="comments">
  <em class="fas fa-comments fa-fw mr-2"></em
  ><span class="font-weight-bold">Comments: </span>


Answer №2

If your text is not moving to the next line, it may be because of a long string of unbroken text. Try using words of normal length and the text should wrap correctly without needing bootstrap. Take a look at the example below:

 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tellus augue, pulvinar sed lacinia eu, fringilla et ex. Fusce sit amet velit eget dui dignissim ornare. Nunc hendrerit velit id ante maximus, ut sollicitudin massa scelerisque. Duis eget elementum justo. Aenean non nisi in odio feugiat faucibus at et sapien. Pellentesque ac elit vestibulum mauris consectetur tempor. Etiam sagittis tellus ut neque blandit mollis. Quisque et sagittis ex, rhoncus egestas ante. Mauris imperdiet velit erat, lacinia imperdiet nunc ultricies eget. Ut posuere rhoncus finibus. Sed vestibulum dolor id efficitur tincidunt. Etiam ac elit at diam finibus cursus. Aenean augue mi, tempor vestibulum mi at, egestas bibendum massa. Nullam ornare, nunc in volutpat tincidunt, erat enim consectetur nunc, vel sodales est lectus id mi.

If you do require a long continuous line of text in your app, you can use CSS properties to make sure the word wraps to the next line. One option is to use overflow-wrap property like this:

<span style="overflow-wrap: break-word">

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