Creating a dynamic pulsating animation using jQuery and CSS transitions

My goal is to achieve a dynamic effect where the background color pulsates when a specific condition is met. Currently, I have the following code:

<div class="box">...</div>

.box {
    background-color: #fff;
    transition: background-color 0.5s ease-out;
} {
    background-color: #ccc;

Now, I want to utilize jQuery to add and remove the 'active' class multiple times in order to create a pulsating background color effect. Here's what I tried:


In theory, this approach should generate the desired pulsating effect. However, in practice, the 'active' class seems to be added but not removed or added again. It appears as though the first 'removeClass' call is not being triggered.

I believe there may be something missing in my implementation, but I'm unsure of what it might be. Could it be related to CSS transition timing? Despite being separate components, they should work independently, correct?

If you have any insights or ideas, I would greatly appreciate them. Thank you!

Answer №1

When it comes to delay, keep in mind that it applies solely to animations and not when you are adding or removing classes. If you want to achieve a pulsating effect, you can use CSS keyframes like this:

@keyframes pulse { 
  50% { background-color: #ccc }

.box {
  animation: pulse .5s ease-out 2;

Answer №2

Utilize CSS3 Animations to create this specific effect.

@-webkit-keyframes glow
      0%   {background-color: #fff;}
      50%  {background: #ccc;}
      100% {background: #fff;}

Then add the keyframes to the container element

  animation: glow 2s infinite;

Answer №3

To create a pulsating effect that continues indefinitely, you can use setInterval() method. Below is an example set up for you:

function pulsate() {
    if ( $('.box').hasClass('active') ) {
    } else {
window.setInterval(function() { pulsate(); },1000);

If you want to stop the pulsating effect, you can store the interval in a variable and then call window.clearInterval(int). Here's how you can do it:

int = window.setInterval(function() { pulsate(); },1000);

Answer №4

The function known as delay serves a specific purpose for animations only. If you are looking to add or remove a class, it is not considered an animation. Instead, consider using the queue method or the setTimeout function to accomplish your desired outcome.

For further insights, you may find valuable information in the responses provided within this discussion.

Answer №5

Here is a solution that may suit your needs: a function that recursively updates a CSS property every x seconds. You can view a live demo here.

var isActive = true;

function toggleColor() {
  isActive = !isActive;
  if(isActive) {
  } else {
  setTimeout(function () {
  }, 1000);


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