Creating a customized file input using CSS

I am currently utilizing Bootstrap4 to craft my webpage and I am incorporating a custom file input bar.

To retrieve the three labels of the input bar ("Choose file", "Browse", "Upload") from my stylesheet, I have created three custom classes with their corresponding content in the CSS file. See below:

.CHOOSE_FILE_LABEL::before{content: 'Choose file';}
.BROWSE_BTN_LABEL::after{content: 'Browse';}
.UPLOAD_BTN_LABEL::after{content: 'Upload';}
<div class="input-group">
  <div class="custom-file">
    <input type="file" class="custom-file-input" id="customFileInput">
    <label class="custom-file-label CHOOSE_FILE_LABEL BROWSE_BTN_LABEL" for="customFileInput"></label>
  <div class="input-group-append">
    <button class="btn btn-success UPLOAD_BTN_LABEL" type="button" id="uploadBtn"></button>

Subsequently, I aim to substitute the label of the input bar ("Choose file") with the filename once a file is selected. In order to achieve this, I use the following JavaScript code:

// Replace "Choose file" with the file name
document.getElementById("customFileInput").addEventListener('change', function (e)  
  var file_input = document.getElementById("customFileInput");
  var file_name = file_input.files[0].name;
  var next_sibling =;
  next_sibling.innerText = file_name;

The issue lies in the fact that the selected file's name gets concatenated with (rather than replaced by) "Choose file". Is it possible to accomplish this through JavaScript or should I make modifications to my CSS file?

For the complete code, please refer to the following link:

Answer №1

In order to modify your file input to have the required attribute, you can utilize CSS and the :valid selector to style the label accordingly. Here is an example:

<input type="file" class="custom-file-input" id="customFileInput" required>
.custom-file-input:valid + .CHOOSE_FILE_LABEL::before{content: '';}

You can view the updated code on this fiddle:

If you prefer not to use the required attribute, you can instead add a class using JavaScript to your file input element (or label) and then style the label with ::before based on that class. Here's an example:

.custom-file-input.hasfile + .CHOOSE_FILE_LABEL::before{content: '';}

Answer №2

If you're looking for an easy and effective solution, consider implementing the following JavaScript function:

document.getElementById("customFileInput").addEventListener('change', function (e)  
  var file_input =  document.getElementById("customFileInput");
  var file_name = file_input.files[0].name;
  var next_sibling =;
    var file_input_label =  document.getElementById("file_input_label");
  next_sibling.innerText = file_name;

To improve functionality, make sure to assign an id to the label element like this:

<label id="file_input_label" class="custom-file-label CHOOSE_FILE_LABEL BROWSE_BTN_LABEL" for="customFileInput"></label>

I hope this information proves helpful.

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