Creating a customized design for a q-popup-edit

As I navigate through using Quasar in Vue, I stumbled upon a q-popup-edit that allows me to gather input from the user. Despite my attempts at researching via Google and reading documentation, I have hit a roadblock when it comes to customizing the style of a q-popup-edit object. While we do have access to content-style for the popup when it's open, I find myself limited to only being able to set the height and width on the object itself. Is there a method to adjust colors, font size, or other similar attributes?

Below is my current code snippet in case it aids in understanding:

<q-popup-edit v-model="newName" auto-save v-slot="scope" style="font-min-size: large">
    <q-input v-model="newName" dense autofocus counter @keyup.enter="saveName" />

Answer №1

To achieve the desired outcome, you can set the height and width within the parent element.

<div class="cursor-pointer" style="height:120px;width:120px">
      {{ label }}
      <q-popup-edit v-model="label" auto-save v-slot="scope">
        <q-input v-model="scope.value" dense autofocus counter @keyup.enter="scope.set"></q-input>

Visit this link for more information.

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