Creating a curved div with clip-path using Tailwind CSS

I would like to create a design similar to this

Using clip path and stacked components, I have managed to achieve the following look with this code snippet:

<div className="relative w-full lg:h-[220px] 2xl:h-80">
                  <div className="absolute w-full lg:h-[220px] 2xl:h-80 bg-[#2f3030] mt-10 p-3 [clip-path:polygon(0_0,65%_0,71%_18%,100%_18%,100%_100%,0_100%)]"></div>

                  <div className="absolute w-full right-0 top-0 bg-[#ff0000] lg:h-[220px] mt-10 2xl:h-80 [clip-path:polygon(67%_0,100%_0,100%_15%,72%_15%)]"></div>

However, my challenge now is how to round the edges and add a gradient border similar to the first image. Can anyone help me with this?

Answer №1

Encountering a similar problem, I found that using only Tailwind was not sufficient for resolving it. As a workaround, I decided to define a new class called .clip-path (or any other desired name) in my globals.css file and then assign this class to the corresponding div element.

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