Creating a CSS rule based on the visibility of the parent div

Is there a way to dynamically change the style of an element through CSS based on the display property of its parent element being set to none?

Take a look at the following HTML:

<div id="mapLinkDiv" class="nav nav-second-level">
  <table class="NavSurvey" style="width:180px;">
          <a class="fixedResultsLink" href="/QBMapping/QBMap.aspx" title="Map results by State" target="MapByState">Map by State</a>
  <table class="NavSurvey" style="width: 180px; margin-top:10px;">
        <td style="font-size:12px; text-align:center;">Maps are underdevelopment and may not work properly</td>

I would like to create a rule that removes the padding-left from all a tags with the class 'fixedResultsLink' if the parent element, mapLinkDiv, has its display set to none.

Here is the current CSS code on the page:

  #mapLinkDiv[style*='display:none'] a.fixedResultsLink {

Despite my efforts, I haven't been able to find a solution online. Any suggestions on how to make this work?

Answer №1

The CSS selector #mapLinkDiv[style*='display:none'] a.fixedResultsLink targets an a.fixedResultsLink that is a direct descendant of the #mapLinkDiv element. To make this selection less cumbersome, you could include all parent tags of the a.fixedResultsLink in the same css selector.

Another option would be to use the selector #mapLinkDiv[style*='display:none'] table tbody tr td a.fixedResultsLink

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