Creating a CSS filter for the background color of the ::selection pseudo-element

Is there a way to make text appear in a color derived from its colored background?

I have considered using the following CSS code:

::selection {
  backdrop-filter: brightness(.25);

However, this approach does not seem to work as expected. The challenge here is that the child element may not be aware of the specific background color, making it impossible to manually set the text color.

Answer №1

Only specific CSS attributes are compatible with ::selection

>     color
>     background-color
>     text-decoration and its related properties
>     text-shadow
>     stroke-color, fill-color and stroke-width

backdrop-filter does not function within ::selection, You can match the background or color to that of the body

For instance, if the background is white and the text color is black

::selection {
  color: #ddd;

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